V.Care Complaint

  • Did you have bad experiences in your chemical business? If so, this is the right place for you.
  • This is a free service provided by ChemWhat which aims to build a good chemical business environment.
  • For quality disputes, ChemWhat can involve to be a coordinator between buyers and sellers, giving judgement and suggestions from a third party’s aspect.
  • For malicious deception without positive cooperation, ChemWhat will keep the negtive record in our database and broadcast to all our subscribed sellers and buyers.
  • Please fill out the form below to submit your complaint:




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    After receiving your complaint, we will follow steps below:

    • ChemWhat may send email to you to confirm unclear points or collect more information to understand the whole thing.
    • Then, ChemWhat will try getting in touch with the other party to check the provided information. If necessary, we may exchange the information given by both parties several times to define the real problem.
    • After defining the real problem, ChemWhat may propose several solutions for the considerations of both parties.
    • If the accused responses negatively or deliberately avoids investigation, ChemWhat will try finding out the reason with the help of local persons, companies, institutions or government.
    • In case the case is detected as malicious deception, ChemWhat will keep the record in database and make a page stating the case in 21 languages to show visitors globally.
    • At the same time, ChemWhat will also broadcast the deception case to all subscribers by email as well as sharing it on our social media including Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, VK, Tumblr…
    • ChemWhat will not only pay attention to the confirmed deception case, but also investigate the affiliated companies as well as the directly responsible person and may list both as deception entities if necessary.
    • Once a party is listed as a risky one, it will be very difficult be got off unless (1) The complaintant withdraws the complaint; (2) Pay a certain amount of security deposit.

    You may check our untrustworthy company list which may be helpful to avoid loss in your future business.